Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Götter vom Thron stoßen – John Peel

Ich schaue immer noch gelegentlich in das Braindance Forum. Vlt fällt dann auch irgendwann einmal ein bisschen Goldstaub auf mich herab.
Anekdoten sind dazu genommen eine schöne Sache. Und zu John Peel gibts wahrscheinlich tausende.
Hier zwei kleine, die vlt indirekt oder direkt am Mythos kratzen (und ihn dadurch noch größer machen).

dan p
peace ♥ said:
Nice bicycle synth.

When John Peel died someone trying to be funny about his selections did an impression of him saying, "...and here's a recording of some Mexicans throwing bricks at a bicycle." I presume this recording doesn’t really exist but fuck me do I want to hear it. If anyone is ever in the position to capture this, please do. I will pay for vinyl pressing. This must be brought to fruition.

I saw John Peel do a live DJ set just before he popped his clogs. He was drunk; it was embarassing. They had to pull him off the stage. Also on the bill that night: Doctor Alimantado and Knifehandchop. It was a good night.

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