Freitag, 5. April 2013

Berlin, check das ma aus!

Der Gluediver durfte sich neulich schon einmal in den Räumlichkeiten von Pogo Books und Naiv Super umschauen. Jetzt darf aber ein jeder und jede den Jungs in die Ecken kacken. Man müsste sich nur trauen, während der gut besuchten Ausstellung die Hosen runter zu lassen. Mich sieht man am frühen Abend da ganz sicherlich. Angezogen, 100%!

Die Einladung in englischer Sprache und kleiner Schrift:

Double Solo Exhibition by Stephane Leonard & Claudio Pogo

Friday April 5th 2013 19h - Open End

Opening Hours:
Saturday April 6th 14h - 19h
Sunday April 7th 14h - 19h

naivsuper Studio > Hauptstr.13 (Aufgang A, 4.OG) 10317 Berlin
(Take the Tram 21 to Gustav-Holzmann-Straße, enter at Hauptstr.13 and follow the signs. Or come by bike along the Rummelsburger Bucht and enter Hauptstr.13 from the back right next to the Ostbloc Boulder Halle. If you take a cab, tell the driver to drop you off at Sysiphos Club, Hauptstr.13 is across the street. You can also walk, 23 minutes from Ostkreuz or 17 minutes from Bahnhof Rummelsburg.)

This is an Open Studio, an Exhibition and a Party (on friday).
You can check out where we (Stephane & Claudio) work and where PogoBooks and naivsuper have their headquarters. We will present some of our brand new drawings, paintings and photographs for the first time and celebrate the publication of a new book / catalog which features these new works.

Please spread the word and invite all your friends and family and friends of your family, because this will be a one time only thing and we would love to spend it with all of you.

The entrance is free and we will sell some reasonably priced drinks.
Also the catalog published by PogoBooks will be available for a super special price.

For all the Mama´s and Papa´s out there, please feel free to bring your kids and if you cannot make it on friday night, you are welcome to stop by on saturday or sunday afternoon. We will be here.

Title Picture:
Spraypaint on Xerox-Print (100 x 134 cm), 2013
by Stephane Leonard & Claudio Pogo

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